Working retail?

Work Is Better with A Union

Everyone working in retail deserves a safe place to do our jobs. We all deserve fair wages.

No matter how nice they are, our managers ultimately answer to corporate VPs and CEOs.

The only way to win safety and fair pay for ourselves and our co-workers is to unite together in a union.

As retail members of UFCW 3000, we have:

  • Power to strike, including pay while on strike

  • Security with our jobs, especially if we get laid off, unfairly fired or penalized

  • Expertise to help us negotiate fair contracts

  • More money. Retail union members get $2.60/hour more (or $5,400/year) on average than non-union retail workers.

Join thousands of other retail union members

Thousands of us in Washington have joined UFCW 3000, including workers at stores like:

Macy's * REI * Kraken Team Store * Downtown Dog Lounge * Card Kingdom * Crossroads Trading Co. * Bartells * Filsons * Rite Aid * Host (Dufry) * Hudson News * Have a Heart (cannabis) * Woodside Braseth Gallery * and more